Registering and binding commands (tools)
The classes that follow are intended to automate usage of the Mistral tool/function calling api (see https://docs.mistral.ai/capabilities/function_calling/)
It includes
Automatic generation of the json representation of the tools
- Binding of parameters (to handle local state.
For example in this codebase, the git repository is passed as a bound parameter)
A command register with bound parameters. |
A command that can be called by the LLM |
The main class for registering commands / tools that can be called by the LLM |
A parameter of a command |
Returned by the tool calls if a parameter is incorrect |
An error message that can be returned by a function |
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.ReturnableError(error_type: str, message: str)[source]
An error message that can be returned by a function
and converted to a string (to be sent to the LLM)
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.ParameterError(message: str)[source]
Returned by the tool calls if a parameter is incorrect
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.Parameter(name: str, type: type, description: str, optional: bool)[source]
A parameter of a command
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.Command(name: str, function: Callable, parameters: dict[str, Parameter], bindable_parameters: set[str], description: str)[source]
A command that can be called by the LLM
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.CommandRegister(bindable_parameters)[source]
The main class for registering commands / tools that can be called by the LLM
To add a command, use the register decorator.
To generate the json representation of the commands, use the to_json method. It will ignore the bindable parameters.
- Parameters:
bindable_parameters (set[str]) – The parameters that can be bound to a value locally (as opposed to being passed by the LLM)
- register(description='', parameter_descriptions=None)[source]
Decorator to register a command
All parameters of the function should be decorated with a type among
(except for the bindable parameters). This function will use the type annotations to generate the json representation of the command.- Parameters:
description (str, optional) – The description of the command. Defaults to “”.
parameter_descriptions (dict[str, str], optional) – The descriptions of
command (the parameters. Defaults to "" for every)
:param : :param but you should really change that.:
- static parameter_of_inspected(p: Parameter, descriptions: dict[str, str]) Parameter [source]
Generate a
from inspecting a functions’s parameters
- to_json() ToolTypedDict [source]
Generate the json representation of the commands.
This can be passed directly as the tools parameters to
- class mistral_tools.tool_register.BoundCommandRegister(command_register: CommandRegister, bound_parameters: dict[str, object])[source]
A command register with bound parameters.
This object behaves like the BoundCommandRegister, except bound commands can be accessed with the getitem operator like so:
commands = CommandRegister(bindable_parameters=("df",)) @commands.register( description="Get payment status of a transaction", parameter_descriptions={"transaction_id": "The transaction id.",}) def retrieve_payment_status(*, df: data, transaction_id: str) -> str: ... bound_commands = commands.bind(df=df) bound_commands["retrieve_payment_status"](transaction_id="1234")
- bind_command(command: Command)[source]
Returns the bound version of the command
Returns the underlying function of the command, with - the bound parameters already filled in - ensuring that the returnable errors are changed into strings
In general, this is called by the :func:
method, you should not have to call it directly.
- bind_parameters(bindable_parameters, kwargs)[source]
Bind the parameters to the command, and return the bound parameters
- check_parameters(command: Command, kwargs)[source]
Check that the parameters are correct for the command
- to_json()[source]
Generate the json representation of the commands.
This command simply calls the to_json method of the underlying command register.
- handle_returnable_error(error: ReturnableError)[source]
Convert a returnable error to a string
This can be overriden in a subclass to handle the errors differently