Source code for autocommit.commands

from io import StringIO, TextIOWrapper
from textwrap import dedent

from pygit2 import Blob, Commit, Patch, Oid, Tree
from pygit2.blob import BlobIO
from pygit2.enums import FileStatus, ObjectType
from pygit2.index import Index
from pygit2.repository import Repository

from .utils import ( FileIsBinaryReturnableError, FileNotFoundReturnableError, 
                    FileUnchangedError, FileNewError, walk_tree, compute_truncation)

from mistral_tools.tool_register import CommandRegister

commands = CommandRegister(bindable_parameters=("repository",))

[docs] @commands.register(description="List files in the repository", parameter_descriptions={ "indicate_changes": "Whether to indicate changes in the files", "only_changed": "Whether to only list files that have changes", }) def ls_files(indicate_changes: bool=True, only_changed: bool=False, *, repository: Repository): """List all files in the repository Args: indicate_changes (bool, optional): Whether to indicate changes in the files. only_changed (bool, optional): Whether to only list files that have changes. repository (Repository): The current git repository Returns: list[str]: A list of all files in the repository """ status = repository.status(untracked_files="no") status_files = set(status.keys()) tree = repository.head.peel(ObjectType.COMMIT).tree tree_files: set[str] = {"/".join(path) for path, _ in walk_tree(tree)} all_files = status_files | tree_files return_data = StringIO() for file in all_files: if only_changed and file not in status: continue return_data.write(file) if indicate_changes and file in status: # libgit2 does not provide a way to say which file was renamed from which # (from the status, although one could use diff to find out) # (and generally denotes renames as a deletion and an addition) # TODO: we could match up the SHA1s of the blobs to find renames, # or use Diff.find_similar() stat = status[file] if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_NEW: return_data.write(" (NEW)") if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_MODIFIED: return_data.write(" (MODIFIED)") if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_DELETED: return_data.write(" (DELETED)") if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_RENAMED: return_data.write(" (RENAMED)") return_data.write("\n") return return_data.getvalue()
[docs] @commands.register( description="Print the diff between the staged version of the file and the head", parameter_descriptions={ "file": "The file to print the diff of", "context": "The number of lines of context to print", }) def diff_file(file: str, context: int = 5, *, repository: Repository): """Print the diff between the staged version of the file and the head Args: file (str): The file to print the diff of context (int, optional): The number of lines of context to print. Defaults to 5. repository (Repository): The current git repository """ #TODO: smart context using tree-sitter # to be able to say "in function x, in class y, ..." index: Index = repository.index tree = repository.head.peel(ObjectType.COMMIT).tree if file not in index and file not in tree: return FileNotFoundReturnableError(file) if file not in index: return FileUnchangedError(file) if file not in tree: return FileNewError(file) blob_old = tree[file] blob_new = repository[index[file].id] assert isinstance(blob_old, Blob) and isinstance(blob_new, Blob) if blob_old.is_binary or blob_new.is_binary: return FileIsBinaryReturnableError(file) patch = repository.diff( blob_old,, context_lines=context, interhunk_lines=2) assert isinstance(patch, Patch) ##### for some reason, libgit2 loses the file name when doing the diff ##### so we have to manually add it back in patch_text = patch.text assert isinstance(patch_text, str) patch_text_lines = iter(patch_text.splitlines()) edited_text = StringIO() _ = next(patch_text_lines) # skip the first line edited_text.write(f"diff --git a/{file} b/{file}\n") edited_text.write(next(patch_text_lines) + "\n") # write the line with "index ..." next(patch_text_lines) # skip the line with "---" next(patch_text_lines) # skip the line with "+++" edited_text.write(dedent(f"""\ --- a/{file} +++ b/{file} """)) for line in patch_text_lines: edited_text.write(line + "\n") return edited_text.getvalue()
[docs] def diff_all_files(context: int = 5, *, repository: Repository, max_content_size=-1, max_total_size=90_000): """Print the diff between the staged version and the head for all modified files Args: context (int, optional): The number of lines of context to print. Defaults to 5. repository (Repository): The current git repository max_content_size (int, optional): The maximum size of the content to print for one file max_total_size (int, optional): The maximum total size of the content to print if True, we automatically cut off the largest files to fit in this size """ status = repository.status(untracked_files="no") status_files = set(status.keys()) tree = repository.head.peel(ObjectType.COMMIT).tree tree_files: set[str] = {"/".join(path) for path, _ in walk_tree(tree)} index = repository.index all_files = status_files | tree_files all_file_info = [] for file in all_files: if file not in status: continue stat = status[file] content = None status_text = "" if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_NEW: status_text = " (NEW)" try: content = repository[index[file].id].data.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: continue # skip binary files if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_MODIFIED: status_text = " (MODIFIED)" content = diff_file(file, context=context, repository=repository) if content is None: content = "Binary file, cannot display diff\n" if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_DELETED: status_text = " (DELETED)" if stat & FileStatus.INDEX_RENAMED: status_text = " (RENAMED)" if not status_text: continue file_info = StringIO() file_info.write(f"------------ {file} {status_text}------------\n") if content: content = str(content) if max_content_size > 0 and len(content) > max_content_size: content = content[:max_content_size] + "\n[...]\n" file_info.write(content) file_info.write("\n") all_file_info.append(file_info.getvalue()) all_file_info_len = [len(i) for i in all_file_info] truncation = compute_truncation(all_file_info_len, max_total_size) def truncate(s, t): if t is None: return s if len(s) <= t: return s truncated_str = "\n[...]\n" return s[:t - len(truncated_str)] + truncated_str if truncation is not None: all_file_info = [truncate(i, truncation) for i in all_file_info] return_data = StringIO() for file_info in all_file_info: return_data.write(file_info) return return_data.getvalue()