Source code for basic_rag.basic_rag

"""Basic RAG database"""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Sequence, Optional
from hashlib import sha1
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

import sqlite3

from mistral_tools.utils import RateLimiter
from mistral_tools.embeddings import EmbeddingModel

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="faiss")
import faiss # noqa: E402

[docs] @dataclass class TextChunk(): """A text chunk with metadata""" text_chunk: str file_path: str start_line: int end_line: int file_hash: Optional[bytes] = None # the hash of the file. #Mainly used for checking if the file has changed for updates
[docs] def to_str(self): """Pretty print the text chunk""" return (f"----{self.file_path}: l.{self.start_line} " f"to l.{self.end_line}-----\n{self.text_chunk}")
[docs] class RAGDatabase(): """Simple RAG database implemented as 1. a sqlite database with a single table with columns id, text_chunk, embedding, file_path, start_line, end_line, file_sha 2. a faiss index I ended up re-coding this because I was not able to find a RAG database that was both simple enough (no server needed, no huge framework) and flexible enough. """ db_path: Path index_path: Path index: faiss.Index db: sqlite3.Connection rate_limit: RateLimiter max_id: int model: str max_n_tokens: int def __init__(self, db_path: Path, index_path: Path, rate_limit: RateLimiter|float = 1.1, model="mistral-embed", max_n_tokens=16384): self.db_path = db_path self.index_path = index_path self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_path) self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rag " "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text_chunk TEXT, embedding NULLABLE BLOB, " "file_path TEXT, start_line INTEGER, end_line INTEGER, file_sha BLOB)") self.db.commit() self.model = model self.max_n_tokens = max_n_tokens max_id, = self.db.execute("SELECT MAX(id) FROM rag").fetchone() max_id = max_id if max_id is not None else 0 self.max_id = max_id self.rate_limit = ( rate_limit if isinstance(rate_limit, RateLimiter) else RateLimiter(rate_limit)) if index_path.exists(): self.index = faiss.read_index(str(index_path)) else: inner_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(1024) # ivf_index = faiss.IndexIVFFlat(inner_index, 1024, n_cells) # ^^^ TODO: implement switching to ivf when the index gets large self.index = faiss.IndexIDMap(inner_index)
[docs] def insert_db(self, chunk: TextChunk, *, id=None, embedding, do_commit=True, add_to_index=False): """Insert a text chunk into the sqlite database and the index""" cursor = self.db.cursor() if id is None: id = self.max_id + 1 self.max_id = id cursor.execute("INSERT INTO rag VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (id, chunk.text_chunk, embedding, str(chunk.file_path), chunk.start_line, chunk.end_line, chunk.file_hash)) if embedding is not None and add_to_index: self.index.add_with_ids(embedding, id) #type: ignore if do_commit: self.commit() return id
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chunks(file, *, chunk_size=25, overlap=5, filename, hash=None): """Cut a file into chunks Args: file: a Path or bytes object chunk_size: the size of the chunks overlap: the overlap between the chunks filename: the filename hash: the hash of the file (optional) """ chunk_limits = chunk_size - overlap try: if isinstance(file, Path): lines = file.read_text().splitlines() else: lines = file.decode().splitlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: return [] # skip non-text files n_lines = len(lines) chunk_starts = range(0, n_lines, chunk_limits) for start in chunk_starts: end = min(n_lines, start + chunk_size) yield TextChunk("\n".join(lines[start:end]), filename, start, end, file_hash=hash)
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_chunks(cls, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, chunk_size=25, overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None, file_shas_to_skip = None): """Cut a list of files into chunks Args: files: the files chunk_size: the size of the chunks overlap: the overlap between the chunks file_paths: the filenames (Optional: if not provided, and the files are Path objects the filenames will be the paths) file_shas_to_skip: the file hashes to skip """ file_paths = file_paths or [str(file) for file in files] if file_shas_to_skip is None: file_shas_to_skip = set() else: file_shas_to_skip = set(file_shas_to_skip) for file, file_path in zip(files, file_paths): if isinstance(file, Path): hash = sha1(file.read_bytes()).digest() else: hash = sha1(file).digest() if hash in file_shas_to_skip: continue new_chunks = list(cls.get_chunks(file, chunk_size=chunk_size, overlap=overlap, filename=file_path, hash=hash)) yield from new_chunks
[docs] def generate_index(self, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, api_key, chunk_size=25, overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None, file_shas_to_skip = None): """Generate the index from a list of files""" all_chunks = list(self.get_all_chunks(files, chunk_size=chunk_size, overlap=overlap, file_paths=file_paths, file_shas_to_skip=file_shas_to_skip)) embedding_model = EmbeddingModel(api_key=api_key, model=self.model, max_n_tokens=self.max_n_tokens) embeddings, embeddings_too_long_filter = \ embedding_model.get_embeddings_batched([c.text_chunk for c in all_chunks]) if embeddings is None: return # no embedddings to add ids = [] for chunk, embedding, embedding_filter in zip( all_chunks, embeddings, embeddings_too_long_filter): id = self.insert_db(chunk=chunk, embedding=embedding if not embedding_filter else None, do_commit=False) ids.append(id) ids = np.array(ids) if not self.index.is_trained: self.index.train(embeddings[~embeddings_too_long_filter]) # type: ignore self.index.add_with_ids(embeddings[~embeddings_too_long_filter], ids[~embeddings_too_long_filter]) # type: ignore self.commit()
[docs] def commit(self): """Write changes to disk do a database commit, and write the index """ self.db.commit() faiss.write_index(self.index, str(self.index_path))
[docs] def get_chunk_by_id(self, id): """Get a chunk from database by its id""" if not isinstance(id, int): id = int(id) res = self.db.execute("SELECT text_chunk, file_path, start_line, " "end_line, file_sha FROM rag WHERE id = ?", (id,)).fetchone() if res is None: return None return TextChunk(*res)
[docs] def query(self, query, n_results=5, *, api_key): """Do a Knn search on the index""" embedding_model = EmbeddingModel( api_key=api_key, model=self.model, max_n_tokens=self.max_n_tokens, rate_limit=self.rate_limit) query_embedding, _ = embedding_model.get_embeddings_batched([query]) if query_embedding is None: raise RuntimeError("Query too long") scores, ids =, k=n_results) # type: ignore chunks = [self.get_chunk_by_id(id) for id in ids[0]] return chunks, scores[0]
[docs] def update_index(self, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, api_key, chunk_size=25, overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None): """Update the index from a list of files. Like generate_index, but preemptively checks which files have changed, and only updates those. """ files_shas_in_db = self.db\ .execute("SELECT DISTINCT file_sha FROM rag")\ .fetchall() files_shas_in_db = set([sha for sha, in files_shas_in_db]) new_shas = [] for file in files: if isinstance(file, Path): hash = sha1(file.read_bytes()).digest() else: hash = sha1(file).digest() new_shas.append(hash) new_shas = set(new_shas) deleted_shas = tuple(new_shas - files_shas_in_db) self.db.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE deleted_shas (sha BLOB)") self.db.executemany("INSERT INTO deleted_shas VALUES (?)", [(sha,) for sha in deleted_shas] ) self.db.commit() deleted_shas_ids = self.db.execute( "SELECT id FROM rag INNER JOIN deleted_shas " "ON rag.file_sha = deleted_shas.sha").fetchall() self.db.execute("DELETE FROM rag WHERE file_sha IN deleted_shas") self.db.execute("DROP TABLE deleted_shas") self.index.remove_ids(np.array([id for id, in deleted_shas_ids])) # self.commit() # only commit after the full update is done # to avoid failing with a transient state on disk self.generate_index(files, api_key=api_key, chunk_size=chunk_size, overlap=overlap, file_paths=file_paths, file_shas_to_skip=files_shas_in_db)