"""Basic RAG database"""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Sequence, Optional
from hashlib import sha1
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import sqlite3
from mistral_tools.utils import RateLimiter
from mistral_tools.embeddings import EmbeddingModel
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="faiss")
import faiss # noqa: E402
class TextChunk():
"""A text chunk with metadata"""
text_chunk: str
file_path: str
start_line: int
end_line: int
file_hash: Optional[bytes] = None # the hash of the file.
#Mainly used for checking if the file has changed for updates
def to_str(self):
"""Pretty print the text chunk"""
return (f"----{self.file_path}: l.{self.start_line} "
f"to l.{self.end_line}-----\n{self.text_chunk}")
class RAGDatabase():
"""Simple RAG database
implemented as
1. a sqlite database with a single table with columns
id, text_chunk, embedding, file_path, start_line, end_line, file_sha
2. a faiss index
I ended up re-coding this because I was not able to find a RAG database
that was both simple enough (no server needed, no huge framework)
and flexible enough.
db_path: Path
index_path: Path
index: faiss.Index
db: sqlite3.Connection
rate_limit: RateLimiter
max_id: int
model: str
max_n_tokens: int
def __init__(self, db_path: Path, index_path: Path,
rate_limit: RateLimiter|float = 1.1, model="mistral-embed",
self.db_path = db_path
self.index_path = index_path
self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rag "
"(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text_chunk TEXT, embedding NULLABLE BLOB, "
"file_path TEXT, start_line INTEGER, end_line INTEGER, file_sha BLOB)")
self.model = model
self.max_n_tokens = max_n_tokens
max_id, = self.db.execute("SELECT MAX(id) FROM rag").fetchone()
max_id = max_id if max_id is not None else 0
self.max_id = max_id
self.rate_limit = (
rate_limit if isinstance(rate_limit, RateLimiter)
else RateLimiter(rate_limit))
if index_path.exists():
self.index = faiss.read_index(str(index_path))
inner_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(1024)
# ivf_index = faiss.IndexIVFFlat(inner_index, 1024, n_cells)
# ^^^ TODO: implement switching to ivf when the index gets large
self.index = faiss.IndexIDMap(inner_index)
def insert_db(self, chunk: TextChunk, *, id=None, embedding,
do_commit=True, add_to_index=False):
"""Insert a text chunk into the sqlite database and the index"""
cursor = self.db.cursor()
if id is None:
id = self.max_id + 1
self.max_id = id
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO rag VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(id, chunk.text_chunk,
embedding, str(chunk.file_path), chunk.start_line,
chunk.end_line, chunk.file_hash))
if embedding is not None and add_to_index:
self.index.add_with_ids(embedding, id) #type: ignore
if do_commit: self.commit()
return id
def get_chunks(file, *, chunk_size=25, overlap=5, filename, hash=None):
"""Cut a file into chunks
file: a Path or bytes object
chunk_size: the size of the chunks
overlap: the overlap between the chunks
filename: the filename
hash: the hash of the file (optional)
chunk_limits = chunk_size - overlap
if isinstance(file, Path): lines = file.read_text().splitlines()
else: lines = file.decode().splitlines()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return [] # skip non-text files
n_lines = len(lines)
chunk_starts = range(0, n_lines, chunk_limits)
for start in chunk_starts:
end = min(n_lines, start + chunk_size)
yield TextChunk("\n".join(lines[start:end]), filename, start, end,
def get_all_chunks(cls, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, chunk_size=25,
overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None,
file_shas_to_skip = None):
"""Cut a list of files into chunks
files: the files
chunk_size: the size of the chunks
overlap: the overlap between the chunks
file_paths: the filenames (Optional: if not provided,
and the files are Path objects
the filenames will be the paths)
file_shas_to_skip: the file hashes to skip
file_paths = file_paths or [str(file) for file in files]
if file_shas_to_skip is None: file_shas_to_skip = set()
else: file_shas_to_skip = set(file_shas_to_skip)
for file, file_path in zip(files, file_paths):
if isinstance(file, Path): hash = sha1(file.read_bytes()).digest()
else: hash = sha1(file).digest()
if hash in file_shas_to_skip: continue
new_chunks = list(cls.get_chunks(file, chunk_size=chunk_size,
overlap=overlap, filename=file_path, hash=hash))
yield from new_chunks
def generate_index(self, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, api_key, chunk_size=25,
overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None,
file_shas_to_skip = None):
"""Generate the index from a list of files"""
all_chunks = list(self.get_all_chunks(files, chunk_size=chunk_size,
overlap=overlap, file_paths=file_paths,
embedding_model = EmbeddingModel(api_key=api_key, model=self.model,
embeddings, embeddings_too_long_filter = \
embedding_model.get_embeddings_batched([c.text_chunk for c in all_chunks])
if embeddings is None:
return # no embedddings to add
ids = []
for chunk, embedding, embedding_filter in zip(
all_chunks, embeddings, embeddings_too_long_filter):
id = self.insert_db(chunk=chunk,
embedding=embedding if not embedding_filter else None,
ids = np.array(ids)
if not self.index.is_trained:
self.index.train(embeddings[~embeddings_too_long_filter]) # type: ignore
ids[~embeddings_too_long_filter]) # type: ignore
def commit(self):
"""Write changes to disk
do a database commit, and write the index
faiss.write_index(self.index, str(self.index_path))
def get_chunk_by_id(self, id):
"""Get a chunk from database by its id"""
if not isinstance(id, int): id = int(id)
res = self.db.execute("SELECT text_chunk, file_path, start_line, "
"end_line, file_sha FROM rag WHERE id = ?",
if res is None: return None
return TextChunk(*res)
def query(self, query, n_results=5, *, api_key):
"""Do a Knn search on the index"""
embedding_model = EmbeddingModel(
api_key=api_key, model=self.model, max_n_tokens=self.max_n_tokens,
query_embedding, _ = embedding_model.get_embeddings_batched([query])
if query_embedding is None:
raise RuntimeError("Query too long")
scores, ids = self.index.search(query_embedding, k=n_results) # type: ignore
chunks = [self.get_chunk_by_id(id) for id in ids[0]]
return chunks, scores[0]
def update_index(self, files: Sequence[Path|bytes], *, api_key, chunk_size=25,
overlap=5, file_paths: Sequence[str]|None = None):
"""Update the index from a list of files.
Like generate_index, but preemptively checks which files have changed,
and only updates those.
files_shas_in_db = self.db\
.execute("SELECT DISTINCT file_sha FROM rag")\
files_shas_in_db = set([sha for sha, in files_shas_in_db])
new_shas = []
for file in files:
if isinstance(file, Path): hash = sha1(file.read_bytes()).digest()
else: hash = sha1(file).digest()
new_shas = set(new_shas)
deleted_shas = tuple(new_shas - files_shas_in_db)
self.db.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE deleted_shas (sha BLOB)")
self.db.executemany("INSERT INTO deleted_shas VALUES (?)",
[(sha,) for sha in deleted_shas] )
deleted_shas_ids = self.db.execute(
"SELECT id FROM rag INNER JOIN deleted_shas "
"ON rag.file_sha = deleted_shas.sha").fetchall()
self.db.execute("DELETE FROM rag WHERE file_sha IN deleted_shas")
self.db.execute("DROP TABLE deleted_shas")
self.index.remove_ids(np.array([id for id, in deleted_shas_ids]))
# self.commit() # only commit after the full update is done
# to avoid failing with a transient state on disk
self.generate_index(files, api_key=api_key, chunk_size=chunk_size,
overlap=overlap, file_paths=file_paths,